MicroJig MatchFit Dovetail Track Clamp AP
MicroJig’s Dovetail Clamp AP is the ultimate track clamp!
Create your own clamp tracks anywhere you can route a dovetail groove. Enjoy the same, limitless functionality as the standard Dovetail Clamps with three added benefits:
1. Anti-Pivot technology keeps the clamp arm in place to make repetitive tasks faster.
2. Included X-PAD™ applies force in two directions and helps you secure material with fewer clamps.
3. Increased clamping range (to 8.5").
Work faster with a clamp arm that won't drop.
The Anti-Pivot Coil Spring prevents the clamp arm from pivoting and dropping when
switching workpieces in repetitive processes. Save time and work faster
without having to reset your clamp height for every part.
- Use any
1/2"–14º dovetail router bit to route your own tracks
virtually anywhere. Clamp without limits, and never buy expensive T-track
in two directions with a single clamp.
- The
X-PAD™ simultaneously applies vertical hold-down and lateral
in-line pressure as the clamp tightens. The combined forces keep your
workpieces flat and eliminate the need for two or more different clamps.
- The
V-groove profile gives you two points of contact to clamp round or oblong
stock with ease.