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The world's most versatile and accurate movable fence for your router table, drill press, or band saw. Designed to meet the needs of the most serious woodworker yet easy enough for even a beginner to use. The INCRA LS Positioner has all of the precision and versatility of our other tools, plus a host of new features and design details that set it apart from anything else. The LS stands for Lead Screw. Our Lead Screw technology makes this unit the leader in precision positioners for woodworking.

Available in 17", 25" and the NEW 430mm & 635mm Metric Editions.

INCRA LS Standard System - 17"
INCRA LS Standard System - 25"
The lead Screw Technology makes every fence position repeatable and micro adjustable along the 17" or 430mm fence travel. Produces super accurate joinery from basic to unbelievable. Choose from 1/32" imperial or 1mm metric positioning mechanics below. The lead Screw Technology makes every fence position repeatable and micro adjustable along the 25" or 635mm fence travel. Produces super accurate joinery from basic to unbelievable. Choose from 1/32" imperial or 1mm metric positioning mechanics below.


"Think about that for a minute. You can make a cut, slide it just about 1" away, and it will snap to exactly 1" away. Then you can move it back to your first cut, and it will snap to exactly where your first cut was. Over and over again, perfect repeatability.

From here, the dovetails are a snap. It's just a template that lets you free-slide to where the cuts should be, and then you "lock in" and hit the cut precisely. It's simple and brilliant. And in case this isn't totally clear, they provide step-by-step instructions that will give you flawless joints every time, even if you don't understand how you got them. Literally every woodworker I know uses an Incra now, many of them after trying mine out. You should get one too. You'll thank me for it."

- Posted by danshapiro

"If you are new to woodworking, the INCRA System reviewed here is primarily designed as a router table jig. INCRA also makes a similar system that can be used as a table saw rip fence that can also accept the Wonder Fence for router operations. The Positioner can and has been used for a multitude of applications besides these though.

If you have never used one of these incremental jigs before, you are in for a treat. It will only take about five minutes of operation to conclude they are the best thing since the invention of the circular saw blade. The INCRA LS Super System represents one of the major milestones in modern woodworking accessories. INCRA could justifiably alter the ad line from Dupont and say "we don't cut the wood, we allow it to be cut accurately."

- Phil Bumbalough,

"The INCRA LS Positioner Super System is extraordinary in its innovating design, quality manufacturing and ease of use. Even the beautiful but intimidating-looking double and double-double dovetails are remarkably easy to make because of the automatic accuracy built into the INCRA LS Positioner and its template driven system.

If you are looking for a joinery machine that embodies accuracy, flexibility and ease of use, the Incra LS Positioner Super System has few, if any, competitors. I know of no other machine that offers these qualities in such a well made, ingeniously engineered and easy to use package at any price."

- Text & Photos by Tom Hintz